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Kingdom of Valkyrja I (ヴァルキュリアの王国 前篇 Varukyuria no Ōkoku Zenpen) is the first episode of the two-part episode anime OVA.



Trine, interested with Kojou, spies on him from the rooftop of a nearby building from the restaurant where he is at together with Yukina, meeting La Folia together with her parents, Lucas and Polifonia. Later on, Trine then infiltrates the Rihaveins' party, where Kanon Kanase with Astarte, Kojou with Yukina, and Asagi Aiba are invited in and Sayaka Kirasaka currently assigned at, and disguises as the party's staff, appearing as one of their servers, as cover. At the right moment, she begins executing her agenda, knocking out the party's several guards by the hall before controlling bug-like machines to attack the guests there, leading for Lucas to order for their immediate evacuation as Polifonia, La Folia, Sayaka, Astarte and Yukina assist while Kojou intervenes the attack and successfully suppresses it with the help of his familiars. Trine positions herself in the midst, acting injured and needing help to draw Kojou's attention. As he comes to her aid, she then applies her pheromones on him, almost dazing him out under her control, but La Folia suddenly interrupts it, unknowingly countering it with her own scent as she embraces him. Failing, Trine quietly flees. She then infiltrates Kojou's accommodation and finally succeeds at controlling him. She uses Kojou to knock out La Folia and Yukina and thereafter takes them as her captives, taking them to a building's underground, tied up.


  • Kojou, Yukina, Sayaka and Astarte vs Insect Swarm (started and concluded).



