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Strike The Blood Wiki

Lucas Rihavein (ルーカス・リハヴァイン Rukasu Rihavuain) is the King of Aldegyr Kingdom. He is the brother-in-law of Kanon Kanase, the husband of Polifonia Rihavein, and the father of La Folia Rihavein, Rondo Rihavein and Passakalia Rihavein.

He is the 11th king of the Aldegyr Kingdom, aged 44. He has command of all of Aldegyr's armies.


Lucas is a large and well built man who has brown hair and beard and yellow eyes. Similar to his daughter, La Folia, he wears a black coat.

He is a middle-aged man over 2 meters tall with a muscular build, spiky side hair, and a beard with a horizontal stripe that covers his mouth. He wears a cloak, whether in formal attire or casual clothes. In casual clothes, he wears a Viking costume, which is the national costume of his hometown, and a helmet with horns. His weapon is an axe.

He was an enormous man wearing a silver cloak in bad taste. The muscles of his arms and legs, his shoulders and chest covered by armor—basically everything was thick. His red, disheveled hair and his thick eyebrows were reminiscent of a lion’s mane. The masculine aura emitted from his entire body made others feel his breath was catching from just the sight of him.[1]

His outfit, reminiscent of a Viking in the Middle Ages, was silly,[1]


He has a bold and unpretentious personality, just like his appearance, and expresses his feelings directly. Although he often makes mistakes, he is very popular in the country because of his loving words and actions towards the people. He claims that the Vikings are the culture of his homeland, and the clothes he wears on his muscular body are modeled after them.

Perhaps because he is an adopted son-in-law, he cannot stand up to his wife Polifonia, and he dotes on his daughter La Folia so much that he openly declares that he will never give her away to marry. He does not think highly of Kojou because he sees his lack of ambition, which is unbecoming of the Fourth Primogenitor, and because he drank blood from La Folia. However, for the most part, he is noticeably doting on his daughter.

Along with his wife and daughter, he accepts Kanon Kanase, who comes from a complicated background, as if she were another member of the family.

Lucas is proud and short tempered.


Lucas was a former member of the Aldegian Knights of the Second Coming, served as a mercenary, and was later adopted into the Royal family.


Kingdom of Valkyria I[]

Lucas, together with La Folia and Polifonia, meet Kojou Akatsuki, who is accompanied by Yukina Himeragi, at a restaurant. Later on, Lucas and his family hold a party, where Kanon Kanase with Astarte and Kojou with Yukina are invited in, when bug-like machines suddenly attack the guests at the hall, leading for him to order for their immediate evacuation as his family together with Sayaka Kirasaka, Astarte and Yukina assist while Kojou intervenes the attack and successfully suppresses it with the help of his familiars.


Swordsmanship: The incomparably powerful slashes generated by his large framed physique made Kojou think back to Rudolf Eustach, the Lotharingian Armed Apostle. Although Eustach had worn augmentation armor to bolster his strength, the herculean might of Lucas was equal— maybe even greater. Not only was Lucas not using such augmentations, but also his attacks were so quick that even the vampirized Kojou’s motion perception couldn’t completely keep track of them.[1]

Political skill: Sandwiched between the great powers of the Warlord's Empire and the North Sea Empire, Aldegyr has prospered through skillful diplomacy that combines hard and soft approaches with an excellent sense of balance in politics.


Völundr System: A pseudo–Holy Sword spawned from a magical device. Linked to a vast essence transmitted from a spiritual reactor, it raised the might of a normal weapon up to Holy Sword class.[1]

Sword: A huge sword. The blade spanned over a meter, but Lucas wielding it made it seem shorter than a normal sword. The blade itself was as thick as a Demon’s war ax and was engraved with intricate magical symbols.[1]

Shield: an aged, round shield


  • (To Kojou)“Very well. Then I no longer recognize you as a man worthy of a fair fight! I shall dispose of you like the whimpering stray dog you are.”[1]
  • (To Kojou)“If you have the stones, block my attacks from the front! If not, perish! Your coward’s blood will be scattered all across the soil of Aldegia!”
  • (To Kojou)“Attacks from the likes of a cowardly stray dog such as you will not work against a real man!!”
  • (To Kojou)“La-la-laaa! I cannot hear you! I have no ears for your excuses!”[2]
  • (To Aradahl)“Mm. I thank you for your manly words, Duke of Severin.”[2]
  • (To Kojou)“Shut up! You will not have my daughter! If you don’t like it, then defeat me!”[2]


  • Lucas is a common name of Latin origin, meaning "light" or "illumination,"


