Lustrous Scale in sword form
Lustrous Scale (
Lustrous Scale has different abilities depending on its current form.

Lustrous Scale in bow form
Sword: Making use of a curse, it emulates "rips in space" that can theoretically sever anything made of physical matter.
Bow: It fires whistling arrows infused with ritual energy, chanting large-scale curses beyond human voice capacity and functioning as a curse artillery.
Lustrous Scale is a powerful weapon, but is also difficult to use. Simpler models were manufactured and mass produced as a result. They were essentially the same weapon split into two.
Rosen Chevalier Plus (ローゼンカヴァリエ・プラス) is a weapon that has the abilities of Lustrous Scale's sword form. Yuiri Haba is known to wield this blade.
Freikugel Plus (フライクーゲル・プラス) is a weapon that has the abilities of Lustrous Scale's bow form. It can also combine with Rosen Chavelier Plus to become a huge crossbow that can fire a powerful energy beam. This weapon is wielded by Shio Hikawa.